Games Development

Our company has huge experience of creating games of any complexity.

The games market is the most promising direction in the mobile business.

  • Every game starts with an idea! With your idea thanks to our experience we will be glad to develop a game.
  • We’ve been creating games since the foundation of the company and we know how hard it is.
  • Unlike game development the game realization includes more details which directly influence the result.

High profitability of game industry

It is necessary to turn only to professionals to make the project successful.

  • The income of the game industry around the world in the past year has reached 160 billion dollars.
  • During the self-isolation and pandemic, the expenditure of the players came to $ 78 billion.
  • Game development is extremely profitable activity, because its development pays off in about the same amount of time as it takes to implement and run it.

Monetization of games

You should definitely come to us to develop a custom game, and we should think about monetization – and we’ll do it too – so you can earn from it.

  • In-game advertising
  • In this type of monetization does not require the cost of the players, the owner of the game earns on the display of advertising directly in it.
  • There are also options for selling branded goods in the form of internal game content, for example, if it is a race, then the cars of leading manufacturers, who will be willing to pay for such advertising.
  • Free-to-play .
  • In this type of monetization, the player is given free access to the gameplay, and in the game he has the opportunity to spend some money to buy all sorts of improvements for a more comfortable gaming activity, which saves him time or betray his individual style.
  • With this type of monetization, all players are equal and pay the same access fees.
  • Live-service
  • This kind of monetization includes all of the previous methods, but it should be used with increased caution and only in places where there is a loyal and dedicated audience for the project.

Development is only one of the stages

Only the development of interesting games brings interest to the players and as a consequence, a large profit.

  • Of course, in the beginning there is an order for a project from a company that knows how to do it properly and has relevant experience. But everything definitely starts with an idea. Since there are many games, and enough genres, any idea can translate in more than one genre and therefore need to start working only with the professionals in their business.
  • Then according to your idea to build a concept, and based on it creates a game design, and on it in turn is the terms of reference, a work plan and estimated project. But before that it’s necessary to take time to play competitive games, to surpass them and try to interest their audience, for this competitive analysis is done.
  • And only then we begin to deal directly with the development. Although it’s a lot harder to make games than to do business, we love it. While making games a lot of different content is generated: 3D models, skeleton animation textures, user interfaces, landscapes, sounds, melodies.
  • Throughout the entire implementation process, quality control of the product being developed is essential. It starts with the appearance of the first lines of code and continues after the main implementation of the code base. And it is not only about programming errors and bugs, the most part of the changes takes place in relation to the balance and in-game mechanics.
  • At the end there is an important stage for the game, its launch and demonstration to the whole world, you have to be ready with all your weapons.
  • Strangely enough, then begins to make a profit, but that is not a reason to stop, because in order to reach and attract a larger audience and to retain existing players it is necessary to update and develop the created new world.